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Practical antigravitation

Antigravitation and modern automobile

The whole history of science strongly proves, that as soon as human beings start feeling an urgent need in technical innovations, the active quest for the opportunities as well as for the ways of their realizations take place. Hundreds and thousands of not only amateurs, but also serious scientists are involved in the quest for antigravitation, which until very recent times was thought to be a chimera.

This serves an evidence of the fact, that the era of space traveling barbarism ends and the quest for civilized ways of space familiarization is setting in. Indeed, tremendous financial and material resources are being spent on traveling to space on jet spacecraft. These flights play a rather important role in the intensive ozone layer destruction. Tremendous amounts of fuel is being spent, and this taking place during the inevitably approaching fuel crisis.

The entire variety of possible and hypothetical principles of creating the antigravitation spacecraft can be divided into four groups:

  1. Electro-gravitational and magnet projects;
  2. Torsion projects;
  3. Gyroscopic projects;
  4. Others.

The biggest part is that of the first group. Torsion projects include those with very fast drum, cones and other geometrical solids torsion. Usually, all the projects of the second group are, in some extent, connected with those of the first or the third ones. Other projects make up an insignificant part.

All the projects mentioned above have one common disadvantage - they are ten, hundred, thousand times more complicated than jet engines. However, if the spacecraft was at least two times more complicated than a jet engine, it would certainly lose the competition to a rocket. The only spacecraft having the same level of complication as a the rocket is that working on the principle of transforming the energy of an impulse into thermal energy. Structurally, this spacecraft is even simpler than the rocket: to elevate a 1.5 ton weight to the level of 200 km, the rocket must have initial power of 20 mln. h.p., while the planned spacecraft will do the same with the initial engine power of only 100 h.p.
So, what is the main principle of this spacecraft's operation? One pair of impulses, equal in their size and opposite in their direction, appears within any jet motion. For example, a rocket repulses a mass M with the speed of V, and at the same time getting the equal impulse MoVo it moves in the opposite direction. Within certain dissipate systems the energy transformation leads to the appearance of two pairs of impulses. Through friction, the energy of one impulse turns into heat, and the impulse itself dissipates. The force misbalance appears and, as a result, antigravitation originates. There is nothing new in this process. As far back as 150 years ago a great English scientist W. Thompson determined the rule, that in the presence of irreversible processes of friction "the dispersion of power-driven energy turning into heat" takes place. Although this rule was determined before the basing of the second principle of thermodynamics, various and numerous experiments brilliantly proved that this rule explains the appearance of practical antigravitation as well.

Thus, W. Thompson was really close to the discovery of antigravitation and even more close to the disproof of the so called 'third principle of Newton'. After all, not preserving the impulse means the disproof of the Newton's principle. Even if a billion of facts prove a physical principle and only one is in contradiction with it, the principle turns to be a failure and becomes a rule. That's why the Third principle of Newton ended, having split into two rules:

1. The rule of Newton - "Usually an action equals counteraction".

2. The rule of Thompson - "Within dissipate systems in the presence of transformation of energy forms into heat, the impulse energy disperses and force misbalance appears, which leads to either unjet motion or to the origin of antigravitation.

The unjet motion is connected with the linear transmission of some masses of a closed system. This results in the appearance of the pair of impulses, based on a certain amount of MV motion as well as in the appearance of the pair of impulses, expressed by the formula F*t. One of the force impulses disperses and an unjet motion originates.

Antigravitation appears when there is no linear transmission of the system masses, which results in the origin of two pairs of purely force impulses. One impulse turns into heat, and that's when the antigravitation appears. A very simple spacecraft irrefutably proves this statement.

If an antigravitation machine suggested by someone fits the "Second principle of Thompson", it means that the machine has capacity for work and is able to generate unjet motion or antigravitation. The other question is whether, being so simple, it will able to compete with the jet engine and with a rocket.

By now only one apparatus has won this informal contest. This is antigravitational machine AGAT-2. Following the suggested model, a group of sufficiently qualified enthusiasts within one year time can build a spacecraft, which would help win the $10 mln prize established by NASA. Of course, this sum wouldn't pay off the expenses on building such a machine. But think of the story about $100000, also established by NASA for flying across La-Manche with the help of a 'device', activated with a man's muscle. A group of enthusiasts had won that prize, though the expenses on building the 'device' made up $1 mln. This winning had brought nothing but a feeling of satisfaction and waste of money. And the $10 mln prize would bring tremendous dividends, which are even hard to imagine.


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