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Practical antigravitation

Antigravitation and modern automobile

A modern automobile would be considered a wonder of engineering by right, if it had a better brake system. However, no matter how the engineers contrive, they are not able to modify the laws of nature. Even having the best and the most up-to-date braking system, an automobile applies it in an archaic manner -through wheels' friction against the road-bed. At that, the friction power is determined by a very simple formula: P*f, where P is the weight of an automobile, f is the friction factor of the wheels' sliding against the road-bed. At the most favorable conditions, f equals 0.1, and if P=1000kg, then the brake's power equals l00kG. Unfortunately, this isn't a sufficient power rate, therefore, the braking path depends on the speed of an automobile. Let' suppose that the car's speed is 100km/hour. In that case, the braking path will constitute more than 100 meters, but this is only possible at favorable conditions. And if the asphalt is wet, or covered with snow or with ice crust, then the braking path increases several times. However, the worst is the fact, that at sudden braking an automobile turns to be absolutely uncontrollable.

More than 2 mln people all over the world die in road accidents every year. What's more, 30 mln get seriously injured. What's the way out? There is an urgent need in a different braking system, more efficient and not depending on the road. Such brake has already been invented. It works due to the recently discovered effect of antigravitation. There is a functioning model, whose imprints are the following: at the antigravitation power of 0.8 kG, the required capacity makes up 0.04 Kwatt.

This means, that if the engine capacity is 100 Kwatt, the braking power will constitute 2000kG. But the most important is that such brake works independently of the road condition. Such brake of sudden braking (BSB) will reduce the amount of road accidents by 10 times and, therefore, it will bring down the amount of deaths and injuries. However, this does not mean, that the number of cars' sales will also drop (because of the reduction number of accidents). On the contrary, the sale would be increased immensely.


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